Ittō Tenshin-ryū® 2022 Taikai Retrospective

The Ittō Tenshin-ryū is a powerful tradition!

Its unwavering purpose has informed deshi since its inception. While the words pointing to essence may change from time to time, the development of a powerful and orderly being remains.

Over the course of the taikai we lived the journey of a deshi from acclimation through the kuden, "You go away now."

While at one time, maintaining secrecy around these teachings had life-or-death consequences, today, the realizations are accessible to those willing to exercise the heart of discipline.

This Taikai served to reilluminate the path, allowing deshi to "tighten" their journey and realize at a young enough age where time remains to put realization into action.

Realization, without action, is wasted.

Simultaneously, those responsible for developing and guiding deshi, had the opportunity to reexperience the importance of maintaining an intense focus on the present moment. Only those unrealized search for another way, for if they had attained the realization they seek, there would be no need to alter the path.

While it is customary for these retrospectives to call out deshi whose actions were above and beyond, it is inappropriate here. Deshi from independent dojo near and far gathered as one. We voluntarily subjected ourselves to the forge during the day and, in the evening, quenched ourselves on each other's company sharing brotherhood, lore, and legend.

In closing, while many traditional arts have lost their heart, The Ittō Tenshin-ryū remains alive and thriving!

To the Ryū; Always faithful.


Joseph Simms

Ittō Tenshin-ryū® Kenjutsu | Yamate-ryū® Aikijutsu | Goseki-ryu® Aiki Heihō | Exploring the Human Condition through the disciplines of Conflict, Strategy, and Performance |


2022 Ittō Tenshin-ryū® Taikai: Gateway


The Use of Weapons in Yamate-ryū Aikijutsu