Our “Un-organization”

A new generation of Yamate-ryū®, Goseki-ryū®, and Itto Tenshin-ryū® deshi are forging ahead, creating their legends. As such, old lessons need reinvigorating from time to time, and this is a big one:

We are an un-organization, and an un-organization we will remain. 

Our traditions are alive, moving through time and space, offering deshi the opportunity to discover for themselves; essence. While teaching a technique may be organized, transmitting a way of being cannot.

There is no charter. There are no membership dues. There are no committees.

There is Sensei and his deshi. And, there is only one at any time. 

Our desire to learn and the method in which we do it binds us.

We are a collection of independent dōjō, pursuing the same traditions. 

Here discipline, integrity, and order matter. The Ryū bends for no person. Maintaining is not easy, but forges brotherhood; the rewards are joyous.  

We understand Lao Tsu’s words: “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

What matters here is not how you compare to others: but your potential.

Keep going!


Joseph Simms

Ittō Tenshin-ryū® Kenjutsu | Yamate-ryū® Aikijutsu | Goseki-ryu® Aiki Heihō | Exploring the Human Condition through the disciplines of Conflict, Strategy, and Performance | Heiho.org


The Use of Weapons in Yamate-ryū Aikijutsu


The Bujin VOL 2 NO 2 August 1978